About Us
This is the official website of The Malta Rabbit Club – Since 1963, which was founded by Mr Joe Debattista, way back in 1963.
The Club’s History
As the name implies, the club has been in operation for more than 60 years. Our ancestors, had set up the club, based on a mutual love of rabbit breeding and the need to educate the members and the public, about rabbit rearing. From the first days of its foundation, and for several years, The Malta Rabbit Club, used to operate from the Nissan Huts in Luqa, where the club, was even able to hold meetings.
In recent times, The Malta Rabbit Club, has been working hard to improve the Club and its presence, both locally and internationally. The Club has rebranded itself and become even more prominent on social media. The Club also features regularly on TV programmes related to animal love, best care, and most importantly educational features.
Over the years the Club has also worked on refurbishing the Rabbit Zoo at the Petting Farm in Ta’ Qali from where the Club has been operating since December 2012. The Petting Farm is a Government owned animal park, open to the public every day at no entrance charges.
The Club is responsible for the administration, running and upkeep of the rabbit zoo and petting section. The petting section was also carefully planned for easy access for both adults and children and for wheelchair access. Full time employees of the said petting farm, are in charge of the daily managing, feeding and cleaning.
Our Objectives
The objectives of this club range from promotional, to educational and informative nature. The aims of the club vary. We promote pet rabbits, encourage home breeders, educate on the best upkeep of rabbits and on the improvement of their environment, but most importantly we help to develop further the hobby and welfare of rabbits through research.
The club has gone through the years and gone through challenging changes. We have embarked onto new projects and took new routes by promoting rabbits for therapy, helping children with autism and any other special needs, such as down syndrome. This has also proved to have offered a smile and good company to elderly people residing in various senior citizens’ homes.
The club also has ties with Gozo, and apart from rabbit therapy sessions in Government, church and private schools, we have also stepped into Gozo’s General Hospital for the first time in the club’s history.
The Malta Rabbit Club has also joined forces with the Ministry of Education, offering hands-on practice, teaching in Agribusiness Schools, in favour of rabbits’ health care. It is our intention that the knowledge gained throughout the years is not lost, and thus we feel that this collaboration is of utmost importance. To this effect the club also accepts students from various schools and colleges to do their 20-hour Community Social Responsibility, (CSR) as part of their curriculum.
The Volunteers
The NGO is run solely by volunteers. The club’s work is all done thanks to our active most dedicated volunteers and others who join the club from time to time.