
The aim of ‘The Malta Rabbit Club’ is to educate people in the best upkeep of pet rabbits, home breeding and also pet therapy.
Via its various channels, the club is continuously updating and educating its members, of the best upkeep and the best environment for rabbits. We believe that by doing so, we eliminate a lot of health issues and ailments.
The Club also helps its members when it comes to home breeding. Checkups on the expectant doe are carried out, and also a free wooden box, done inhouse by one of the volunteers, is given for the female rabbit to put her siblings in, when she gives birth. Home visits are also done when requested by the member.
When it comes to pet therapy, the club has invested both time and money to train its rabbits for this task. With the help of the volunteers, The Malta Rabbit Club takes part in an ongoing project, visiting schools, specialised colleges, old people’s homes, hospitals and also helps children and young adults with autism and other special needs.
The Club has also last year, with the help of one of its committee members and active volunteers, given an upgrade to the Herb Garden, at The Petting Farm. As a club, we believe in natural remedies, thus the Herb Garden. Certain ailments can be healed using herbs even in rabbits.
Education is on our agenda. To this effect the NGO has also joined forces with the Ministry of Education where, by means of a 3 year agreement, the club supports students in Agribusiness Schools and also offers hands-on practise.
Thru’ our Corporate Social Responsibility Scheme (CSRS) we also promote community work.
Members have also the opportunity to use the pet sitting service also offered by the club, whilst travelling abroad or need to be away from their home for some reason or other.
Other NGOs activities include but are not limited to:
- Birthday Parties
- Weddings
- Carnival Parties
- School Visits
- Hospital Visits
- Elderly Home Visits
- Public Events
Apart from the above The Malta Rabbit Club also offers the services of a professional groomer, but not only. The Club has also two qualified Vets on board.