How can I become a member?

For just a minimal yearly fee, one can enroll as a member and get a lot of benefits. Please complete the form here and one of our members will contact you back.

Does the club have rabbits up for adoption?

Yes from time to time we do have rabbits up for adoption against a donation to the club. Follow our Facebook page regularly for updates on rabbits which are up for adoption.

Do you include children in your activities?

Yes, in fact, the club also has a scheme for junior members

How can we join as volunteers?

Genuine volunteers are always welcome. Please complete the form here and one of our members will contact you back. Each volunteer is assigned a number of tasks based on his/her knowledge.

How can I lift my rabbit?

Rabbits can be lifted in various ways. The easiest way is to pet your rabbit with one hand, while sliding the other hand down the rabbit’s side, and putting it under the torso, while still petting your rabbit with the other hand. Support the bunny’s chest and torso and lift. Place the rabbit close to your heart for comfort and love.  It is important not to suspend your rabbits in the air, as they are likely to struggle and try to escape and can easily be hurt.

Can rabbits be litter trained?

Rabbits are brilliant animals, they can be litter trained.  By nature, they chose Place a litter box in the corner where you notice that your rabbit does its business and encourage this behaviour. If your rabbit roams freely through multiple rooms of your home, it is ideal to have various litter boxes in several places. Rabbits enjoy spending time relaxing in their litter box, therefore, ensure that you have a litter box which is large enough for your rabbit. Avoid wood shavings, clumping or dusty cat litters which can cause serious health problems if eaten. Instead, opt for organic litters made of paper or wood pulp. 

What is the best age for litter training?

An older rabbit makes it easier to litter train it. Younger rabbits have a concise attention span. However, this increases as they grow up. Spaying/neutering also helps with litter training. At the age of 4 – 6 months, rabbits start marking their territory. When spaying or neutering, the rabbit will be more likely to use the litter box.

How often do i need to clean the litter box?

Keep the litter box clean, this will encourage your rabbit to use the litter box. Clean tough stains with white vinegar. Litter boxes are to be cleaned at least three times a week.

What foods should I avoid feeding my rabbit?

Rabbits have a very delicate digestive system. It is therefore important not to feed your rabbit any potatoes, onions, garlic, chives, leeks, seeds, grains and most of the human food.

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