
Become a collaborator with The Malta Rabbit Club – Since 1963

Any business, company or organisation can become a collaborator!

The following are the three basic ways of collaborating with us.

  1. By offering a monetary sum (to be discussed with the Club), and in return, the club will promote on the Facebook page and on the club’s website the products according to the entity involved. 
  2. Sponsorship – the entity or business can sponsor events by giving monetary funds to help the club during an event. The collaboration can also be of supply of items, for example, rabbit food from agents to distribute to members during events. Things like costume jewellery,  festive sweets like Easter Chocolate Rabbits by local caterers, handmade recycled wooden items, etc all help the club in raising funds, by collecting small donations.
  3. Another way is by a company offering % discount cards. Such cards are distributed to members with every renewal pack and also to new members

In return and in all cases, the Club will promote and advertise on all its media, any collaborator and product supplied to the Club. The Malta Rabbit Club proudly declares that it has all the necessary marketing tools to work with! 

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